Inactive until paid. 

 hi! I'm coquettish :) I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences (pre-med) and eventually want to work in lab/research. Right now I work as a home CNA so I'm very friendly, compassionate, affectionate, generous.. not to mention adorably quirky 

hobbies/random stuff I like:

volleyball, sushi, cheesy reality TV, english accents, horror movies, cold weather/anything cozy, iced coffee, EDM, board and video games, baby animals, burrito bowls, pretending to speak Spanish and Italian, watching children cry, watching birds walk, not wearing pants, existentialism, cooking/baking/burning stuff, Star Wars, craft beers, expensive tequila, extreme taxidermy, poking the elderly, and sandwiches.

so, WHY decide to talk to ME??:

-I have no life so I'm always here to talk

-always have beer in the fridge

-I live near a Taco Bell

-excellent lip syncer

-have been referred to as "boner magic"

-cat like reflexes-- now you see me, meow you don't

-amazing sidebutt

-extremely proficient in Mortal Kombat

-complimentary pictures of my cat

-never lost a game of Connect Four

- I love cheese. Cheese is my best friend. There is no better food in the world than cheese. Cheese also has a gun to my head and it's making me say this

 - times New Roman in the streets, wingdings in the sheets